YOUTUBE:John Paul Young- Love Is In The Air


Edition 04/01/2012 =>torna alla versione italiana

Welcome in the Kingdom of the Love.

To explain as the humanity can reach this last and stupendous finishing line I have intention to write a story of science fiction of which you can have a small taste reading the pages of the Fantaconference for the Parabolic Worlds.

What I for now will tell you is that after the natural evolution of the biological life, after the evolution of the mind of the homo sapiens, up to the development of the Personality or Soul, the Humanity has begun to develop the ideas through the knowledge of the reality, to realize technologies advances more and more and complex (the cars, the computers, the robots).
The development of the ideas is increased above all with the advent of the telecommunications: the connection among million of minds form a net equivalent to a mind very more powerful and intelligent.


Unfortunately the evolution of the Humanity doesn't happen in homogeneous way for all the people and for all the men: there are nations more evolved and other behind in this run; in the same nation there are richer people with access to the most sophisticated technologies and other that still have to fight for the satisfaction of the primary needs.

This difference depends on the natural evolution that has introduced the law of the strongest: in base to this law it survives who has the best genetic equipment in comparison to the environment in which alive.

With the evolution of the mind and then of the ideas it is possible to get an increase of the middle happiness of the Humanity gradually passing from the Law of the Hate to the Law of the Love. The intermediary phase of transition (Law of the Pity) is very difficult and critical.

The great religions it seems that has exhausted their historical function for the progress of the Humanity; unfortunately they still are influenced by the law of the Hate; in fact they are often cause of bloody conflicts between believers and infidels or also among believers of different sects . Look, for instance, to Ireland or to the various Islamic sects.
It is absurd that the Christians born with the revelation of Jesus, that has already brought in the Law of the Love from two thousand years ago, have been folded up to Law of Hate: the crusades, the benediction of the weapons!, "God is with us!"; in name of God they have committed ferocious crimes, cruel slaughters; they have burnt peaple alive, they have condemned people for their ideas "heretical", destroyed books and works of art, accumulated treasures deceiving the poor people.

I believe, therefore, that only with an Universal Religion the Humanity can continue in this age of the Pity, that will still ask for many sacrifices and so much solidarity for the people enslaved on the hunger, the poverty and the illnesses. So it will be possible to reach the great finishing line to the Kingdom of the Love. In contrary case we will go toward the catastrophe and the self-destruction to the next Future

Someone he will be asking: "but to me few cares if between thousand or two thousand years the humanity will have reached this marvelous condition of life, because then I will be dead!".
For this motive also the appreciable and shareable efforts of great theologians as Hans Kung, to establish a communion of the religions to drive the Humanity toward the peace thanks to an unifying World Ethics, they risk to remain dead letter without a philosophical-scientific-cosmological support.

For the same motive the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights proclaimed by the United Nations in 1948 cannot also be considered applied if not in least part.

Well the theory of the Parabolic Worlds allows us to affirm that the best people will be regenerated in the Kingdom of the Love not only in the body (thanks to the DNA), but also in the Soul!

      You may say I'm a dreamer
               But I'm not the only one
      I hope someday you 'll join us
             And the world will live as one.


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